SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
真名鶴純米大吟醸 酒蔵魂 さかほまれ
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[On the day of working on sake activities, I left SHIMA & coffee & sakes and went to my in-laws' house to wish them a Happy New Year 🚃. We greeted my in-laws, my wife's sister and her husband, and their children for the New Year, and then we all decided to have dinner at Tarusushi, which my father-in-law had reserved for us 🍴. My father-in-law, who is a barley shochu drinker, suggested we have something to drink, so we looked at the menu and saw a sign that said "Hidden Sake". I knew I had to order it, so I did and here it is 🍶. It was probably my first Manazuru sake, even though it was local 🎉 Manazuru Junmai Daiginjo Sakakuhomare The aroma was slightly melon-like, the mouthfeel was juicy and mellow sweet, and the finish was clean, clear and sweet. [Sakahomare is a newly developed sake rice in my hometown of Fukui, and although it has a strong image of being basically dry, I was surprised that it could be brewed as it is with a mellow sweet taste. It was quite tasty, but as soon as I opened it, another customer ordered it and it was instantly empty 💦. Ono, where the brewery is located, is a place of deep snow and famous water, and other breweries such as Uno Shuzo (Ichinotani) and Nanbu Shuzo (Hanagaki) also have breweries in the area. I had to work the next day, so I left Taruzushi and took the train home 🚃. And then there is an additional time called transit time 🤣.
Good morning, Gyve 😃. Next stop was greeting your wife's parents 😊that makes sense with coffee 😄Lunchtime drinking at a sushi restaurant with you guys sounds like fun🤗. Hmmm? Adessional time 🕖It looks like quite a bit of time ⁉️
I was delayed due to a series of rough play called my curiosity, so we had a very long adjunct time!