SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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I got sick of wanting to drink nigori sake, so I went to a local sake store for the first time. It was a small store, but it had a lot of sake that I was interested in, which made me feel happy. So today, I went there to buy some Tedorigawa Sparkling Dot. The clerk said, "I think it's okay since you just came in, but please open it slowly. Now, Mister, please open the bottle. Crispy! "There's no room at all. ... Sizzle! Squeak squeak! Phew, just in time. From there, it took about 10 minutes of repeated opening and closing. I was able to pour it into the glass. The aroma is good, you can feel the sake even after it's been chilled thoroughly in the fridge. This smells like the good stuff! A refreshing fizzy sensation in the mouth. In my opinion, it's like a grapefruit. For a nigori, it's refreshing to drink and the taste is good. The label is also cute and uneven. The price is 1980 yen for a four-pack bottle, so it would be stylish to drink it in a wine glass at a small celebration. It's a little gassy when it's just opened, so I'll enjoy it for a few days after tasting a couple of glasses. I'm sure this one will be a favorite.
I bought it today at my usual store! I'm looking forward to having it this weekend!