SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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A small liquor store in a small town. I knew it had been around for a long time, but I went in because they had recently cleaned up the exterior. As I expected, there were only a few, but they had some sake for the local market 😁. Bidatsuru! Not as flashy as Houou Mita, but it has a very nice aroma 😋. It is sweet and fruity on the palate with a nice rice flavor 🌾. I've always wanted to try this sake and I love Tochigi 🥰.
Good evening, Mr. Bousuke 😃. I've had a lot of Kirifuri... but I haven't had Mitazuru yet 🥲. It's true love for Tochigi to drink this kind of sake 🥰! I have a lot of Tochigi sake in my fridge right now 😅I hope to get to ours soon!
Good morning, Jay & Nobby 😃. I've been wondering about this one, but I never saw it before. It was a chance encounter right after Alanin gave it to me...it's pretty good 👍.