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Takasago Check-in 1Takasago Check-in 2
This sake is made by Kiyamasa Shuzo, which is well known for Jikin 🍶. It has the same flavor as Jikin, which I have had at an izakaya before 😋. However, it is not as clear as Jikin because it is made from the same sake yeast as Jikin, but has a sourness like Shinmasa 🍋. Comparing it with the remaining Niimasa's Vigilian, the acidity is still very similar 🥂. However, the overall taste is clearer than the Vigilian, and it still has a strong sake character, so I thought it would go really well with Japanese food 🍣. It was delicious! It's a bit expensive (720ml, 3300 yen) because it's a junmai daiginjo made using the traditional sake yeast, but the taste was well worth it 💸.