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True White −白菊の真実−純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Here it is! Our favorite Kangiku brewery brews a very limited series of unfiltered unpasteurized sake only once a year! Buy two bottles of TRUE White and TRUE RED and compare them! The basic specs are the same, with the same rice polishing ratio and 100% Omachi, but the RED is ogurimi, while the WHITE has no ogurimi. WHITE had a gorgeous flavor with a refreshingly clean sweetness and acidity, and was a magical sake that was easy to drink! Compared to RED, it was characterized by a less gassy, less chuggy taste and a clean sweet flavor with no cloying taste. It was delicious, too delicious, a bottle. Alcohol content: 15%. Rice polishing ratio: 50% (100% Omachi is used)