SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
中島屋 Check-in 1中島屋 Check-in 2
This time it is Nakashimaya's three-year aged sake. This sake is from Yamaguchi Prefecture. When I was glued to the aged sake at the liquor store, I was recommended this sake and brought it home. The sake has a light yellow color. It has a sweet, well-defined caramel overtone. First at room temperature. It has a soft mouthfeel. The taste develops from a well-developed bitterness, with a gently matured sweet umami that flows with a crisp acidity. When heated, the sweetness and umami become full-bodied, with a bitter chocolate flavor. It is a bit shallow for a matured sake, but it is a neat matured sake, It is a neat matured sake, It is a sake to be savored slowly and carefully, sip by sip. The bitterness in the first sip is a beautifully grained bitterness. Thank you for introducing me to this wonderful sake 😊.
Good evening, Mr. Hirupeko 😃. It also has a very atmospheric appearance ☺️ neat aged sake 🍶I'd like to taste it slowly 😚 I'll keep that fantasy alive 😆.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby. I don't have a good picture of this sake, but it has a nice antique clock label. I'm enjoying an adult evening with a great drink 😊.