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I sometimes see Masushin Shoten in Sake-no-Wa. I went there for the first time the other day. It's a shop with a lot of flavor😎. It was there that I first encountered the star boast😳. I bought it with high expectations. The aroma contains both sweetness and sourness 😁. 18 degrees of alcohol! As it is, the alcohol feeling is straightforward and intoxicating😵 The freshness unique to nama-shu is accompanied by a sweetness that jumps into my mouth😋. I thought it was a gentle sweetness, but it turned into the sweetness of wasanbon, and the acidity blossomed with it😎. Finally, an astringent taste appeared in the throat, filling you with satisfaction and eventually making you drunk😵 The depth and thickness of the flavor makes for a different kind of satisfaction😍.