SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
磐乃井はないずむ あお純米原酒
えりりん🏠 Drinking ( -̀ -́ )୨⚑︎゛ I didn't care for the aroma. Crisp ‼️ and no bitterness. Maybe a light acidity when paired with veggies😊. For the entrée... Yakitori with sauce made with rice wine 🐓. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to use it with vegetables Rice used, Miyamanishiki Yeast, Kyokai 701 Alcohol 13%. Personal preference among 4 types 4️⃣ I received a bottle of sake that has been stored at room temperature for a wacky long time... I tried to drink it but it was old sake ( ´-̥̥̥̥̥ω̥̥̥̥̥̥`) I got about 7 kinds of sake including Tasake and Jyushiyo... What a waste 😭😭😭 The sauce made with Tasake was delicious though 🥲.
たっく0103Good morning Erin😃What a waste! 😭Tare made with rice wine sounds luxurious 😙I'm sure tare made with Jyushidai would be delicious too 🤤🍗.
えりりんTakku0103-san konbanhar(o´ω`o)no~~ Rare 🍶´- what else is there to say 😅 If you don't drink it, please give it to me as soon as possible 🙇‍♀️ I said ❣️ I think it's too extravagant to use Jyushiyo as a cooking sake.