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Daishichi生酛純米古酒 不倒翁純米生酛古酒
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<Gently aged sake with plumpness, acidity, sweetness and umami. The name "Fushou-ou" is very cool. "You go on ahead." "What can a mere old man do? "Geez. "I can't let myself fall here! And so on. The aroma is matured, mainly lactic acid, with burnt nuts, honey and rice flowers. There is no sense of aging (twisting), and even though it is very aged, it is very lively. In the mouth, the acidity is plump. It is not a youthful sourness, but the mischievousness and mischievousness of an old man. You can also feel the gentle sweetness. From the middle part of the beer, the sourness remains, but the flavor spreads quickly. Even after you finish drinking it, the umami and sourness remain in the aftertaste for a long time like a memory. It is delicious! If I were to compare it to Ghibli, it would be Minami-san from "Mimi wo Sumemeba". He's a musician friend of Seiji's grandfather, and he plays the tambourine with a mustache and a red bow tie. He is a lively middle-aged man. He may be old, but he's young at heart. Satisfaction: ★★★★☆. I'll post the full version on my blog, complete with character images. If you'd like, you can search for "korune sake" or come from the link in my profile section.