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Sogga pere et filsリア サケ ナチュレル 生酛 天神原生酛
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1Sogga pere et fils Check-in 2
Mr. Soga, who had given up on this season... but unexpectedly, he encountered the fish in April and captured it without hesitation! Jacket value ... 6/10 Again, I'm going to repeat the lecture from the back rather than the front: "the prelude to natural fermentation with natural yeast"... Let's drink while philosophizing! The first day... 12/20 The smell is not as strong as I expected, mainly Alc, with a hint of koji (malted rice), but not sweet... The taste is Alc-stimulating and acidic... but the acceptance is mild. Sei... 12/20 I was expecting a sweet taste, but... I didn't know it was like this....... The wine gradually develops a sense of white wine...... 14/20 The full-bodied Alc hit the nostrils with a thud, and the excitement develops quickly; it is good to feel the satisfaction of drinking, but the impression is of a blend of dry SAKE and white wine. Yui ... 13/20 The sublimation of bitterness and the way it expands are good. Cospa ... 6/10 The price was 1,980 yen, which is a good price for a hobbyist. The taste is chaotic and raw, the most SAKE-like of all the Soga's I have tasted. It was treated as "Ver. dry". 63 points
It's bitter, anyway, and it's not good to have too much bitterness from Alc stimulation, but it's a pity that there is no sweetness to compensate for the bitterness. It is a pity that there is not enough sweetness to cover the bitterness.