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Fusano KankikuOCEAN99 純米吟醸 青海 -Summer Sea- 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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和酒処天ぷら たかさん
Light blue label, Aomi, another first for us! It was as sweet and fruity as Kukai! There were many more I would have liked to try, but I'll leave that for another time! extensive knowledge This bottle is perfect for summer with its lush fruitiness like honey-filled apples and light sharpness. With the juiciness derived from the Kujukuri-hama minerals in the brewing water as its core, this is a very limited edition sake that is only available in summer. Rice: Dewa Tsanzan Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 14