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Mimurosugiろまんシリーズ 純米吟醸 露葉風純米吟醸原酒
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桜本商店 円山
It's been a while since I had a bottle of Mimurosugi, so I had to choose between Dewha Kaze and Natsu Jun. I thought I'd wait until it got a little hotter for the summer sake, so I chose the new Dewha Kaze. It has a mild sourness and sweetness typical of Mimurosugi, and is very easy to drink as it is undiluted sake with 13% alcohol. It goes well with shime mackerel, and the sourness and fat of the mackerel enhances the sweetness and umami of the sake. It is not good with Squid Menchi because the bitterness of the sake is emphasized.