SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Hohai純米吟醸 夏ブルー純米吟醸
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熊谷 朋之
At "Akagi", Iriya, Ueno The third bottle was Toyobai Junmai Ginjo Summer Blue from Aomori. This brand is made with Misato Nishiki. It has a very tasty acidity. In terms of clean summer sake, I think I prefer this one to Fukusuku. The third photo is a hairy crab salad. It seems that this is a dish that is only served on certain occasions. I was told that it was available today, and there was no way I could not ask for it! I had to order it 😁. I was told it was available today and I had to order it! I was like, "What should I do? Sake goes down a treat! It was very delicious! 👍