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Kamokinshu特別純米 13 火入 2024BY特別純米原酒
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Good evening, this is my first series of drinking at home, but I bought this one 💁‍♂️ because it was so good when I went out for a drink a while ago. Kamo Kanehide Special Junmai 13 Hi-iri 2024BY✨ This bottle has a low alcohol content of 13 degrees Celsius even though it is a pure sake. From the standing aroma, it has a gentle yet refreshing impression of weak muscat and minty herbs: ☺️ When you put it in your mouth, you can feel the chili on the tip of your tongue, but the dryness of the special junmai from the firm acidity, fruity sweetness and umami accentuates the sharpness of the back end, which I really like 😋😋😋😋. I don't know the sake rice, but since it is from Hiroshima, is it Hachitan or Senbon? Or Yamada? I'm trying to figure it out, but I get the impression that it is similar to Shinshu Kamerei Junmai Hitogokotsuki and will be a regular sake in our house 😊.