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There are currently about 90 sake breweries in Niigata Prefecture, and I found out that I have never had sake from about 20 of them, and I would like to try some of them. Koshinokaroku I heard that Koshinokaroku was featured in "Meshinbo" as a sake that goes well with French cuisine and escargot. Indeed, I vaguely remember the story of how Director Koizumi matched white wine (Chablis) with seafood and Mr. Yamaoka served sake. There were many interesting and good stories in the early days of "Meshinbo. There is no French or escargot on our table, but I opened the bottle to drink it as soon as possible. The aroma is elegant with a hint of fruit. It is smooth and clear, with a good extension of acidity. It has a different flavor from the light, dry sake of Niigata Prefecture. Indeed, it is tempting to pair it with French cuisine and seafood (especially shellfish). I thought it was a sake brewery I had never tasted before. I've never had this sake before.... 😅 I thought the label didn't say much about the specs, but there was a note on the cover. It was a freshly stored sake.
Good morning, Mr. Yama 😃. I've had "Suganadake" several times, but "Koshinoshiroku" was missing 😅... Elegant, and as you said, it also had a sense of luxury.