SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Shiba Koen (1) Today and tomorrow, I'm working at a client's place near Shiba Koen. I have work tomorrow as well, but I went out for a drink with my coworkers after dinner 🍶. We went to a Hokuriku restaurant for the first time. I was thirsty, so I rushed to the bar for a couple of beers and was wondering what to do when my coworker asked me if I wanted to try the drink comparison set. Good suggestion 😋. This pattern is quite common these days😄. The set included three kinds of sake, mainly from the Hokuriku region: Tengu Mai, Mifuku, and Yuho. The first one is Tengu Mai Yo-Yo! As the name suggests, it is sweet and tasty, with a touch of sourness. The image is a little bit strong! Today, it is served cold, but as the label says, it may be tasty at room temperature.