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酒縁 しょう榮
The restaurant is full. Everyone is ordering their favorite drinks. The customer next to me is talking about how this restaurant has an all-you-can-drink Asahi Hawk. Two bottles of Asahitaka were served! The wife told me that they have fresh sake and cold-stored sake! I asked for one too! The first one was freshly brewed and stored. It is less fruity than the Jyushiyo, but it is only distributed in the prefecture, so you can't miss it! It's a new sake, so it has a bit of bitterness, but I guess that's just the sharpness of the sake! I'm also curious about the sake people around me are ordering 🍶. knowledge of this sake Ingredient rice: Yamagata Prefecture's preferred rice for sake brewing Koji rice [in-house polished rice brand Hashu Homare Kake rice [Miyamanishiki, Yamagata Prefecture rice Polishing ratio / Sake degree ≪Haneshu Homare 55% polished rice, Miyamanishiki 60% polished rice≫ / No description (Smooth flavor that shines through the freshness)