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Takakiya辛口 特別純米酒特別純米槽しぼり
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Sumiyoshi Shuhan (住吉酒販)
This is a dry special junmai sake handmade by Takakiya V from Hamashima Shuzo in Oita Prefecture. The koji rice is Yamadanishiki with a milling ratio of 50%, and the kake rice is Hinohikari, a rice rice variety, with a milling ratio of 55%, brewed with No. 9 yeast at 16.8% alcohol by volume. Sake degree +10, acidity 1.4. According to the sake brewer, it is a sharp and smart sake that washes down oily food with a crisp taste. It was served at room temperature. The appearance is clear and yellowish, with a light aroma of koji and alcohol, typical of sake. In the mouth, it blends in like water without any attack, then acidity and volatility come in crisply, and it ends with a light koji sweetness and umami. It is a sake that makes you want to drink it with a cup of sake. It is also good as a food sake with rich and fatty dishes such as sweet-and-sour pork or stewed pork cubes, and I would like to try heating it up as it seems to warm up nicely.