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Fusano KankikuOCEAN99 凪 うすにごり無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Rice used: Omachi Rice polishing ratio: 55 The aroma was similar to the Denshokiku Ooragarami we drank last year. At first, supernatant. The bubbles, a bit of sweetness, and a firm bitterness quickly fade away. It was quite light. Maybe it was because it was right after a little bit of Genshu Mai that was left over. The lees are entwined. It is more mellow. The sweetness is less than expected. The bitterness is stronger than imagined. Easy to drink and you won't be able to stop. Second day addition The bitterness is milder than the first day, and the sweetness has increased a little. It is easier to drink.