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The liquor store said it was a little more sour this year. The aroma is sour...but maybe not so much. When you drink it, it is a little chili-swish-swish-swish, and then the sourness hits you. This is... lemon... lemon squash or lemon water? It's not so much the flavor, but the acidity. There's a bit of bitterness, too, which makes it even more lemon. Almost no sweetness. When I drank it outside before, I thought I could feel quite a bit of alcohol, but not so much. Maybe the difference is that it is freshly opened or not. When I paired it with oven-baked chicken with a lot of lemon, the acidity combined with the lemon flavor cut the oil and made it very tasty. After dinner, I poured it over ice cream like sacré lemon for a cool dessert for adults 🧊🍋. It was a refreshing and perfect summer drink that went well with the meal and could also be enjoyed as a cocktail.
Good evening, Kotaro 😃. Kabutomushi🌈 is good to drink at home firmly 😋I want to drink it every year after all 😋. Sacre lemon 🍋 and Kabutomushi! Sounds delicious ‼️ I'll try it next time👍
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌙 I knew I wanted to drink it right, Kabutomushi is a house drink 😆🌈. I wanted to try it because I thought 🍋sacre🍋 would definitely go well with it👍I recommend it 🧊 for an adult dessert 😋 because it neutralizes the sweetness of the ice cream.