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abe純米吟醸 たかね錦 おりがらみ生酒 タンク No.1純米吟醸生酒おりがらみ
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新時代 新橋店
After the team presentation, we had a party in Shinbashi to celebrate the end of the day. I am happy to see that this incredibly cosy restaurant under the guard also has quite a few good sake. We started with a slightly carbonated ogara-mi sake, Abe and Takananishiki. It has a fresh taste with a hint of sweetness and slight carbonation. Pichipichi is delicious. Rice] 60% polished rice, Takananishiki produced in Niigata Prefecture. Alcohol content: 13%. Yeast] Niigata S9 yeast Sake meter] Not open to the public. Acidity] Not disclosed