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Ginrin純米吟醸  kuru kuru 4回転サルコウ ひやおろし純米吟醸生酛ひやおろし
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Two kinds of sake I prepared as souvenirs at the petit year-end party held in Morioka at the end of the year. I had sent them to Sapporo, so I had some too! It was a little awkward to give them away before I drank them, but the owner in Hakodate gave his seal of approval, so here they are! First up was a yellow-labeled sake, Hiyoshi Oroshi. It is deliciously sweet and easy to drink! It was even better than I had expected and I finished it in no time! I was more than satisfied with the price! The previous Guruguru was a kijo sake, characterized by its acidity, but this Hiyoroshi is not so assertive and is recommended as a food sake! Sketches and Skills The name "Kuru-kuru" has been established because of the image of a spinning drill in Akita-style nama-moto (raw material) brewing. The acidity is more pronounced than the numerical value, yet has a gentle touch derived from nama-moto. It also has a gentle throat and a soft finish. Akita Sake Komachi 55% polished rice Acidity 1.5 Amino acidity 0.7 Sake degree ±0 Alcohol 15 degrees (undiluted). The yeast is undisclosed.