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Senkinモダン 初槽 直汲み あらばしり と モダン初槽 直汲み せめ
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The first brewing of the renewed Sengoku in 2024. The "Arabashiri", "Nakadori", and "Seste" were sold according to the time when they were bottled directly from the first tank. This time, we purchased the first "Arabashiri" and the last "Seme" to compare. The Arabashiri was cloudy and had a white grape-like "The Sentori" taste. The Seme was juicy with a calm taste. It was more like the classic Sentori of the previous year. My biggest regret is that I should have compared the "Nakadori" as well. I had other sake in the fridge and there was no space. 😅 Wishing everyone a happy new year!
Happy New Year, AAJI🌅! I'm sure you'll want to compare 3 bottles of the renewed Hatsutanku series 🤗Please try again when you can organize your fridge 👍. Let's enjoy drinking again this year!