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田中 楽田中 楽
Yamamoto Check-in 1Yamamoto Check-in 2
Yamamoto Check-in 3Yamamoto Check-in 4
田中 楽
May 2018, at the usual Tiger's Tail. The owner and I are both baseball fans, so he offered me an interesting sake. It is a limited edition baseball series from Yamamoto. The brewer is Yamamoto Shuzoten Co. The brewery was founded in 1901. It is a sibling of "Two Out Full Base," and this one is of a higher grade. It is a scene where he hits a home run and high-fives everyone, so we put a little aroma on it and made it have a lingering aftertaste. Don't buy one without the other. The proper way to drink it is to drink a two-out full base and then reverse the situation by hitting a grand slam home run." is the note on the website. As of January 2023, the following information is available on the website. Alc.: 15 degrees Celsius Sake meter: +1 Acidity: 1.4 Rice used: Miyamanishiki from Akita Prefecture Rice polishing ratio: 50 Yeast used: Komachi R5
Tanaka Raku, I have drank both in the past. I bought both properly when I was curious during my trip to Akita.
田中 楽
Sorry!!! I didn't notice your comment😅 This is something you'll be interested in if you're a baseball fan ⚾.