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Super Kudoki Jozu備前雄町純米大吟醸生詰酒
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Fun at this time of the year, Jr.'s Super Kudokibe! Bizen Omachi! I'm looking forward to it this time of year 😤. Of all the Kudoki series, I like this one a lot. I like it a lot. Due to the space available in the cellar every year I had a four-pack bottle, This year, I finally got a bottle of Kudo in a 1.5 liter bottle I finally got a bottle of Kudo in my cellar. After opening the bottle and pouring it into a glass, The aroma is very strong. The sweet aroma is full of kuduki-ness. Yes, it's delicious! I can't miss this one. After a few days, it starts to calm down, It's also 🐎. I'll buy it again next year 👋 Purchase price ¥4400(1.8L)
Hi Yann 🐦. This is delicious 💕 even after 4 days, a bottle of sake is as good as it gets 😆👍I want a dedicated fridge too 😂.
Good morning, Pon. This Kudo Jr. is a must👍. I have a lot of sake I want to drink toward the end of the year. I have a lot of sake I want to drink before the end of the year, so I have a lot of sake in my cellar. I can't fit all of them in the cellar, so I get angry when they move into the fridge 😭. I get angry when it moves into the fridge 😭