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Junsei愛山 生酛純米吟醸 おりがらみ 生酒〈Galaxyラベル〉純米吟醸生酛原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ発泡
Junsei Check-in 1Junsei Check-in 2
From Tomikunishiki Corporation, Hyogo Prefecture... Junsei Aizan Nama Junmai Ginjyo Orikagarami Nama Shu (Galaxy Label) The orikarami version of "Junsei Aizan Namaisho Junmai Ginjo" released in February was left in the cellar for 5 months! The "Galaxy Label" is a slightly hazy appearance with lees entwined, reminding one of the night sky at Tanabata (the Milky Way)! Second fermentation takes place slowly in the bottle, and a slight gasiness can be felt. The refreshing aroma and flavor of #Aizan has been enhanced while maintaining the light and soft image of February. The smooth mouthfeel is typical of "Orikagarami", and when you take it into your mouth, the fresh aroma will quickly escape from your nose, and the sweetness and mild but juicy umami typical of "Aizan" will spread! The sweetness and umami are perfectly balanced with the soft, thick acidity typical of the sake's sake yeast, with a good amount of astringency in the latter half and a piquancy that stimulates the tongue to tighten the flavor and give it a nice sharpness! The taste is crisp and refreshing, with a strong umami flavor. It is recommended to chill it moderately rather than too much! Rice used: ・・・・ Aizan from Kasai City (Nishiwaki Farm) Rice polishing ratio: 60 Sake degree: +3.5 (slightly dry) Acidity: ・・・・・1.8 Alcohol content・・・16度