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Nakameguro Isego (中目黒 伊勢五本店)
I hear Librom is now available for purchase in Japan! As a self-supporting group, we are happy to hear this. The Grape 🍇, the older man at Isego told us to be careful when opening the Orikagarami version, so we carefully opened the bottle. The automatic stirring device worked, but the bottle was opened safely in about 5 minutes. The aroma was of grapes and their peeled fruits. It was like when you put a grape in your mouth. The gasiness is extremely strong. The sweetness and acidity are exquisite. Every time I drink Librom, I think it has a high degree of perfection as a sake. The sweetness changes to acidity and finishes with a tightening of the tongue. The astringency at the end is the best. It was delicious again. Easy to drink, strong acidity, and low alcohol content, this is the kind of sake I like. Tomorrow, I'm going to go buy some Apple!