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NOTO「竹葉×手取川」特別純米 コラボレーション醸造酒特別純米
NOTO Check-in 1
NOTO Check-in 2NOTO Check-in 3
Makuake's Kurafan "Don't Stop #Noto's Sake!" The second bottle of returned goods: ☺️ This sake is made with rice "Ishikawamon" from Noto, which survived the disaster, and Kanazawa yeast grown in-house by Yoshida Sake Brewery, and is made with Yoshida Sake Brewery's specialty, low al at 13 degrees C. The sake has a fresh, gassy taste (at a cloudy white level when poured). The sake has a fresh, gaseous taste (it is at the level of cloudy white when poured), and the flavor is refreshing, making it easy to drink. It is too good to waste, so I would like to taste it a little every day (^_^.) We hope that the knowledge and techniques gained from this joint brewing and the new collaboration between sake breweries will help the affected breweries to rebuild their businesses as soon as possible.