Shirataki Shuzo's...
"Kamizen Nyosui Junmai Daiginjo😊
This is a limited edition Junmai Daiginjo for January.
I've been drinking it for a while now and it's been pretty dry.
I thought this Daiginjo would be spicy too...
It has a sweet and fruity taste😊.
Ate with sliced yams😋
I really enjoyed it with the simplicity of the yam🥰.
And I regularly buy Jozen Josui every month😊.
They renewed it in March.
So I bought it again😆.
Really, my stock of Jozennyosui is building up 😅.
Alcohol content 16-17 degrees
Rice polishing ratio 45
Sake degree -2
Rice used: Niigata-grown Koshitanrei