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Imadeya Ginza (いまでや銀座)
On the last day of a three-day weekend, I thought I would just relax and drink at home, but my wife gave me orders and instructions one after another. I thought I could finally have a drink after all that, but I had to pick up my child from soccer in 30 minutes.... I decided to have a light one. When I took a sip, a nice aroma of rosemary passed through my nose first, and I felt really refreshed. I don't think it smells of strawberries. The gasiness is quite strong. The usual sweet and sour, my favorite Librom flavor. I think I like the combination of fruit and herbs the best. The strawberry 🍓 flavor comes through in the second half, and my mouth at the end of the drink is in the same state it was after eating strawberries! One of the best Libroms I've ever had! I could drink this forever. But I have to go out soon....