SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Yamayu改良信交 2015-2016 Solar Plexus純米生酛
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熊谷 朋之
Good evening! Today is also from the past history. This is another drink at Gin Kura, a sake bar. The first sour sake I ever drank, Shinmasa. The first time I drank a sour sake, Shinmasa, was when I sat down at the counter. No, all I remember is that it was really good. #Gin Kura Sake Bar
Good evening, Kumagai-san, and thank you for your congratulatory comments. Akatake is really delicious. I buy it when I go to Fukuoka because I can't find it in my neighborhood. Thank you for your continued support.
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, yumekagami! It's nice to meet you too. (I am a Polish Polish. There seems to be a delicious sake called "Hiran" in Nagasaki, but on the contrary, I can't find it in Iwate. (^_^;)