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Fusano Kankiku晴日 -Spacial Yell- 販売店限定品純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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Another bottle of Kangiku Seibi. This is a special special Seiheki, a special limited edition of Koyama Shoten's bespoke special order. It looks the same, but has a label on the back to indicate that it is a limited edition. Since it is a "direct-feeding Nakadori Oorigarami" of the already delicious Haruhi, expectations are high. Since it was so good, I tried to compare it with the regular version I posted one time before. First of all, the cork flew to the ceiling the moment I opened the bottle. I have had several bottles of sake with a warning against opening the bottle, but this was the first time the cork flew out. Fortunately, it did not spurt out and I was able to avoid the problem. I did not feel any gas in the regular version, but the limited edition was slightly effervescent. The lactic acidity adds complexity and softness to the sweet, delicious, juicy, middle-of-the-road flavor of the regular version. It also has a bitter taste that adds depth to the flavor. I had an image that ogara-mi would increase the sweetness, so the bitterness was unexpected. I was surprised at the bitterness, as I had always imagined that orikagara would increase the sweetness. It is rare to have an opportunity to compare the same sake, clear and nigori, and since it was my favorite Kangiku, it was a very valuable experience for me. It is the regular version that I feel embodies the image of "Haruhi." My personal favorite is the limited edition, in my opinion.