SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture, a restaurant located in an alleyway about 5 minutes from Iwaki Station. The shop where a salaryman was attracted like a beetle wandering for sap after working late on Friday. The first thing that surprises you through the sliding door is the tatami mat! I ordered Kunigon, a sake from Fukushima Prefecture that I had never seen before. I thought I was thirsty, so I injected some gasoline into it with a quick sip. Hmm? It's a little heavy, and the sweetness comes afterwards in a modest way. It was a little different from what I imagined. I asked the owner if he had any rice dishes because I was hungry. Can I have the grilled chicken with saikyo? I'll have that! The owner has takikomi-gohan, so why don't you have that? Thank you! I'll serve you a lot of rice. Not long after. I'll have asparagus and lotus root, please. Shopkeeper, lotus root? (Lotus root) That's it! lol Hot skewers and sauce in a steel box like in Kansai. The owner said, "You can have it twice. It's a sauce just for you! I dived the asparagus into the sauce one by one. It's so hot! Kunigon kuikku !!!! Mmm! It's as strong as the sauce and the fried food! And the sweetness is unshakeable. I see what you mean! The hash browns are thick and tasty and great! As the next dish came...