SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
HiraizumiFOUR SEASONS 冬 しぼりたて純米山廃
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I went to my parents' house on the far shore of Japan. After visiting my mom's grave, my dad and siblings and I had a good time 🍶 and celebrated my mom's 80th birthday, which would have been yesterday if she were still alive. ㊗️ As the back label says, the sweetness and aroma are modest. It is not at all gorgeous, but this is good! It says it's good warmed, but it's certainly good with some acidity.
Good morning, Toshihiko 😃. We also visited the grave the other day and it was wonderful to celebrate your late mother's 80th birthday 🎂 with everyone in your family 🥹It's just the right flavor to have at such an occasion 😌.
Thank you very much. It was a quick turn of events, and I just finished the memorial service for the third anniversary of the death of my father last year. The days go by so fast! The drinks were nice and calm!