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Hououbiden秋田流生酛 KAN燗純米吟醸生酛
Hououbiden Check-in 1Hououbiden Check-in 2
Hououbiden Check-in 3Hououbiden Check-in 4
Hououmita Drinking Comparison (6) When you drink it heated Fluffy! It has a fruity aroma like white peaches and an alcohol aroma. The taste of the rice is not bitter, but clean and smooth. You might enjoy the fruity flavor if you don't raise the temperature too much. If you drink it chilled Fresh! Melon-like and peach-like. The sharpness is still there even when chilled! The label says it's recommended for room temperature to lukewarm, but if you don't overheat it, you can enjoy it at any temperature with a variety of expressions! The taste and the fact that you can enjoy it in a variety of temperatures make this my personal number one Hououmita that I've tried so far.