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Shinshu Kirei長野県産ひとごこち純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 1Shinshu Kirei Check-in 2
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 3Shinshu Kirei Check-in 4
Purchase at online store Today we are going to compare the Shinshu Kamerei Hitogochi series 🍶This is the regular Hitogochi and the Tozawa Hitogochi. This is the regular Hitogochi. This is the bottle that got me hooked on Shinshu Kamerei. I was going to visit Nagano to buy it, but I had to give it up due to some errands. ......, but I was able to get it at an online store! Thank goodness 🙇. I immediately opened the bottle 🍶 and it's delicious 😊. I was going to get a bottle of the fresh fruity sweet umami, but this one has a more pronounced flavor profile? I think this one has a clearer flavor profile 🤔. The flavor and freshness are clear, and the feeling that they are clean and crisp without being dull is very delicious 😋. Both are as good as each other and insanely delicious ☺️ Thanks for the treat... I also recently got a bottle of Inakura Tanada Hitogochiki, so I'd like to compare the Shinshu Kamerei Hitogochiki before they run out 😙.