SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Hanamura純米吟醸 出羽燦々
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Drinking at Daigo at the end of summer (4) As we were getting drunk, we chose a sake that is hard to find in our hometown and had a drink with it. Hanayu Junmai Ginjo Dewa Sanzu. The rich fruity aroma of rice, the sweetness and umami that is light in contrast to the aroma, and the clean lingering and spreading aroma. The gap between the first impression of the rich aroma and the light, refreshing taste is unbearable 😁. Hana Yuu" has many fixed fans, and the taste is very convincing 😋.
Good evening, Mr. Jive. I see you went to Hanayu Izanzan too 🎵. I remember I had it last year and I really liked it ✨. I want to drink it again after reading your post 😊. I hope you enjoyed your visit to Daigo-san: ⤴️
Hi ma-ki-chan, good evening to you too 🌛. I've had the chance to drink "Hanayuup" recently, but I can't drink it on a regular basis, so when I find it, I want to drink it 😁. I recommend it when you go to Kanazawa ✨.