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Toryu華 せめ 磨き50特別純米原酒生酒責め
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The rice is called Chiyonishiki, which I've never heard of before. It's been almost a year since it was produced, but it's not nearly as ripe as it should be. It's dense, sweet, and dark like pineapple. The aroma and taste are a cross between a dense pineapple feeling and a light aged feeling. There is a gorgeous ginjo aroma that comes through the nose. It's generally considered to be dry, but it's sweeter than I thought it would be. I was surprised that the owner remembered me even though we only talked once last August. He even remembered what we had bought last time and where we had come from. He's young, but he's a good businessman. I've visited him several times, but there were days when he wasn't there, so I'll try to go on a day when he's there next time. The third picture, I drank Hayaseura and it was full of Fukui sake😅. The fourth one, Echinotaka, has 4 stars, but I've never seen it for sale? Maybe I just missed it?
Good morning, bouken-san! It's amazing that you can remember a customer from that long ago 🙌.
Hi Manachie 😉. I can buy Ryujinmaru near me but I don't really like the taste 😅. It was like I remembered it when I saw the stamp card, but I still thought it was great that you remembered all the details 👳.