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Fusano Kankiku電照菊 山田錦50 超限定おりがらみ生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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I could buy it in the country in Oita! Really happy😊. I really wanted to buy the unfiltered unpasteurized sake to compare, but it was limited to one bottle. Your review said pineapple, and I was skeptical because I've never felt pineapple in sake before, but I was right! As soon as I put it in my mouth, I could feel the sweet deliciousness and the sourness that united with it. The sense of unity of the flavors is too wonderful! At the same time, the aroma that escapes from the nose is also included, and it is a perfect expression of tropical pineapple. The aftertaste has a lingering umami taste and a slight bitterness. The taste is far beyond my imagination. The mouthfeel becomes smoother with the lees, and the presence of acidity increases slightly. I'm hoping to get both types in a bottle next year!