I got 🟢 a green can of Funaguchi!
I bought 2 cans and gave one to my boss because there were only 2 cans left 🤗.
It's a little fresher than the regular FUNAGUCHI cans!
The sweetness still has a banana🍌 feel (or so I think).
It's 19 degrees so you'll get drunk easily 🥴.
It's so sweet and tasty that you can't help but drink it 😍.
Green can 🟢Thank you Pon for letting me know 😊♪
Good evening, Rinako 🦉.
I'm glad you drank the 🟢can and I'm happy to share it with you 😆 Yes, it's fresh and easy to drink! I was on a roll and drunk too 😂 reading this makes me want to drink it again😊.
Good morning, Pon 😃🟢I had it 😃🟢...I was going to cut it in half because of the high alcohol content but it was easy to drink...I found myself drinking it all up and tongue deep 🥴🍶🍶thanks for the recommendation😊.