I had tasted Kame-no-o before and enjoyed it so much that I wanted to try it again someday, but now that it is directly pumped, I have no choice but to drink it, right?
The aroma is melon at first, and then pineapple.
I thought it would be a bit of a sizzle since it was directly pumped, but it was very moist and I honestly couldn't tell much of the directly pumped flavor. But it was delicious, so it was all right!
I think Toyo Bijin's sense of balance lies in the fact that it is sweet but not just a juice, which is typical of sake.
For some reason, many people have the impression that this kind of sake is harsh, but Toyo Bijin does not have that impression at all!
I am always amazed that Toyo Bijin can offer such a great taste for such a low price of 1,650 yen. Personally, I always find it more useful as a sake that is sure to be enjoyed with others than by myself.