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Tanakarokujugo泡田中 D zero K65 2023純米発泡
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Sake at Kuripa🍶Part2. Tanaka Rokuugo Rice : 100% Yamadanishiki produced in Itoshima Bubbles and aawa aawa 🫧. Japanese style bubbles with Western Champagne in between 🫧. A surprise for the person who didn't see the opening warning 😳. The sizzling and overflowing awa🫧! It is quite vigorous! The bubbles are quite fine and go through the nose. No sweetness, clear and dry. It's like soda water! We all nodded in agreement at how refreshing it was. The secondary fermentation in the bottle is so strongly carbonated that you would think it was filled with carbonic acid. It is a very enjoyable sake.