SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
谷泉谷泉#吉田蔵u 能登の酒を止めるな! コラボレーション醸造酒純米吟醸貴醸酒
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Bringing Sake to the Year-End Party (Part 1) Wanting to try a variety of sake rice, I took the plunge and brought sake to the company's year-end party: 8 bottles. Ishikawa was represented by the Ishikawa tag team of the Don't Stop Sake from Noto series. Taniizumi Junmai Ginjo-Hyakumangoku No, which could not be sold due to the Noto Peninsula earthquake, was made into a kijoshu, Yoshida Shuzo's specialty. The light sweetness and slight bitterness of this sake is TANIZUMI⁈Delicious.