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Tenbi純米大吟醸 赤磐雄町米
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I had had Momoten and Hakuten before the toji quit, but I haven't had them since? It's been a long time since I had a high spec of Tenbi. ❗️ I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not, but I'm sure it's a good idea. Thank you❗️ for such a good gift? The lid was just a pop. Slightly gassy, sweet and juicy. ‼️ It has a sweetness that has the fatness of Omachi, but the aftertaste is not too sweet and refreshing. It is like eating a delicious grape fresh. The slight bitterness is also grape-like. When it is warmed up, the fruitiness explodes even more. It's too good! ‼️ Mom says it's the latest hit 😊.
Good evening, Seigo-san. I recently had a bottle of this wine and thought it was really tasty! I thought it was really delicious! ⤴️ I could feel the deliciousness from Seigo's post, and yes, it is delicious! It is delicious! I thought it was delicious!
Good evening ma-ki-. This drink is really delicious 😋I'm glad to see someone else feels the same way😊.