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Kinoenemasamune夏詣酒 星合 2024 純米吟醸 原酒 1度火入れ純米吟醸
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I like the chic presentation with the Tanabata strip attached. A pleasant summer sake with a fresh acidity. I would like to drink it on Tanabata next year. The fruity aroma, acidity, and fresh gaseousness of the sake are refreshing and suitable for a summer sake." It is a prayer sake brewed to pray for the fulfillment of one's wishes during this season of Tanabata, like the miracle of "Hoshiai," when Orihime and Hikoboshi are reunited. Rice: Koji rice: Yamadanishiki Kake rice: Miyamanishiki Polishing ratio: 50%/58 Sake meter: -9.2 Acidity: 2.3 Alcohol content: 14%. Yeast used: Association 1501