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Emishiki特別純米 黒ラベル Sensation gen 9 BLACK 生特別純米生酒
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After the appetizer of yuba leaves, the dishes did not come out very well. In the meantime, let's drink sake! On the menu, I found "Laughing Four Seasons"! I wonder what it is! Yesterday I had Sensation White, so tonight I wondered if it would be the same or black, or what would be the occasional black? Black. It was black. This is my first time! The sake rice was changed from Yamadanishiki to Shiga Prefecture's Koshikagura! It is a little more voluminous than White, but has a fruity finish! There was not much left, so I had to have a refill! The Tokachi mushroom ajillo arrived just as I was pouring my second glass! The saltiness and the fruity sake somehow go well together! A few words of knowledge While the white label has a delicate, cool, dry taste, the black label has a robust, rugged flavor with body. The overall taste is cohesive, with a firm acidity asserting itself amidst the beautiful sweetness. Sake is the sustenance for living life happily and serves as a lubricant that bonds people together. The brand name "Emishiki" was named in the hope that people will be able to spend their days smiling in each of the four seasons. Koji rice: Koshigaraki produced in Shiga Prefecture Kake rice: Ginomi produced in Shiga Prefecture Rice Polishing Ratio: 50 Alcoholic Beverage : 16 Sake Degree : +0 Acidity: 1.6 Yeast: Kyokai 701