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Sawayamatsumoto守破離 五百万石
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Mori-Barai" is a traditional Japanese term for the relationship between master and disciple in the tea ceremony and martial arts, and is an important concept in the world of sake, which preserves tradition. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel the sizzling carbon dioxide gas that is the most distinctive feature of the Moribawari series, and along with the gas, a slightly sweet melon-like fruity aroma and gentle flavor spreads. The presence of acidity and bitterness can also be felt, making it a bottle that can be enjoyed with an abundance of five tastes. Sake rice is Gohyakumangoku, the rice polishing ratio is undisclosed, and the yeast is undisclosed. Served well chilled ✨ Fresh impression with refreshing acidity and mild bitterness👍👍 It was a little gassy and aromatic, but not too much 🤔. I would like to try this again another time. It has a sharp mouthfeel and goes well with food. 😆 😆 I paired it with raw octopus and green onion with sansho 🤤.