SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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The 28th was a late welcome and farewell party, lol. Well, the last one is a noujozo from the menu: ❣️ It is a sake made by the Fukurokuju Brewery. It is brewed with sake rice from farmers in Oogata Village (👨‍🌾) under the title of "Sake made by farmers project". The fire-brewed sake is sold to the public, but you can only get this draft sake if you are involved in the project 😆. What a manager 🤣🤣🤣! The aroma is softly ginjo aroma ❣️ It also has a little bit of rice 🌾 aroma mixed in. In the mouth, the sweetness of the rice and the acidity that is typical of Isshiro spread quickly. The elegant sweetness is followed by a hint of umami, and then the acidity and astringency are a bit more pronounced. It is truly a Fukurokuju. 💕︎ Thank you for the food 😋🙏🙏.
T.KISO, this brand was also found in the brewer's cafe! I didn't check to see if it was a draft sake or not, so I guess it's a fire-aged version. But still, the manager of the Italian restaurant is amazing 😆 I can feel the bottom power of Akita.
Good evening, sugiz😄. With the white label and green letters, it's a fire-engine version. 💕︎ I couldn't tell if it was Italian or what 🤣👍