SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Daishichi箕輪門 低温熟成 扁平精米純米大吟醸生酛
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I have an accumulation of unposted items, but I can't leave this one out. A gathering with my life mentor. At the time, I was a complete alcoholic, not just sake, but no alcohol at all. But my mentor loves sake. He said he drank many kinds of sake, but this one was his favorite. I drank it cold, and although it is a daiginjo, the aroma is mild. It has a strong umami of rice, but it cuts through the flavor very smoothly. I wish I had more vocabulary, but I guess good food is good food. The technique of Takanobu Sato, a master craftsman of our time. The rice is Yamada Nishiki.