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Gakki Masamune本醸造 中取り本醸造中取り
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Instrument Masamune Honjozo Nakadori I often hear rumors that it is delicious, but... I'm not a fan of honjozo sake😅. I'm not a fan of honjozo. I don't like to drink it 😅. I don't know... I saw three other customers buying it in a row at a liquor store... I'm not sure if it's that great of a drink. I was skeptical, so I decided to be the fourth customer in a row. I decided to be the fourth customer in a row😊. So... The result of drinking... Honjozo? At this price? That's impossible💦💦. I understand why everyone recommends this🥰 If it's on sale again I'll buy it again😊. Even if you don't like Honjozo sake, try it and feel cheated😆. Today's appetizer was... I'll buy it again when it's on sale😊. 16% alcohol by volume Rice polishing ratio: 60% for koji rice, 70% for kake rice